Saturday, October 31, 2009


潮语,顾名思意,就是“潮流语言”。潮语,应该是粤语的词汇。因为我是在 One FM 听回来的,当时主持人在讲粤语。

主持人说,“今天让我们来学一个潮语,我们要学的是「升 LE 』。”升 LE??我摸不着头绪。Hmm....这个“升 LE ”是用粤语来说的。拼音为“xing le"。哇啦。。。一个中文字,配合一个英文字。“升”有“升级”的意思,但“LE”呢?就是“level”,即“级数”。所以“升 LE”两个字合起来,就成了现代版的“提升了level”的意思。

比如,听说你“升LE”了(升级、promote〕,恭喜恭喜!我刚刚勇闯三关(computer game也〕,“升LE”了。有趣有趣,“升LE”,名副其实提升了我的语言功力,好一个“升LE”!!


Jessy Lee said...

Yeah, "升LE" is such a popular word in HK these days.

But ah, I don't know what does "LE" means until you said it stands for 升 LEVEL. Haha...nice.

Unknown said...

walamei...u learnt new word from radio and i learn from u... wow, u became guru already...hehehe...

good news to update u, v finally found who took the 'cheese' away, so sad to know that was an invited guest...really 人不可貌相噢。。。:)

Fionne Chong said...

Jessy, now I realize what is called global village, we do speak the same language... hehe.

Kuan, oh.. sometimes you learned those new stuff from Astro, and I learned from u ler... sama sama. :)