Friday, September 12, 2008




“最近流行什么书?The Secret? Law of Attraction?”讲师激动地寻找共鸣。“Secret,看过的朋友请举手。”人类总是不疲不倦的探讨宇宙的奥秘,潜能的开发加上能量的释放经已成为现今热门的研究课题。我身处于积极奋发的寿险行业,“信念”是咱们公开的成功秘诀。The Power of Believe, Believe in One Self, Believe in your inner callings 常常督促我们,陪伴着我们在每个胜利的关口,年复一年,乐此不疲。



Jessy MY Lee said...

It's good to hear that you have the faith in religion to foster your spiritual growth.

BTW, does the AIG financial crisis affect you? Hope everything goes well for you.

Fionne Chong said...

AIG doesn't affect us here so far. Btw, my company is Great Eastern. Different country different funding, most importantly the public shd't get panic and do massive withdrawal, hopefully the bubble will be gotten rid of soon. I heard fren's relatives at HK start surrendering AIG policies. However after US Fed's intervention, wish our counterpart could recover from it soon. They are selling off assets now.

Jessy MY Lee said...

hey, didn't see your update for such a loooong time. Keep it up. I'm waiting...

oh year, merry belated Christmas and happy new year!